Promoters Program - Coming to an end

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We want to start by thanking everyone for joining our Promoter program. It was our goal to give back to the community in a new way, in particular those who posted amazing content on social media. 

Admittedly we may have been overly idealistic in how people would use the program. We opted to have no follower count, later having to change this due to some abuse issues. We wanted to make sure that people could participate no matter their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or anything for that matter; we wanted to include everyone who wanted to be a part of our program and not simply be a popularity contest. 

Over the past month or so we have been working on several changes based on feedback from promoters as well as how we saw customers interacting with the promoters and promoters codes. We had big hopes and ideas for this program but unfortunately due to abuse in several aspects that we are not able to resolve we have decided it is best to shut down the promoters program. At this time we feel that the abuse of the system by a segment of our community has begun to outweigh the benefits in total and caused more work, concerns, and issues rather than good feelings. Due to limitations with the service we were using we do not have the means to correct or prevent the abuse that is happening from continuing other than shutting it down.

Again we do want to thank everyone and hope to continue to see the amazing photos that you were already posting. Codes will actually stop working immediately. Anyone with outstanding credits will get a code to redeem any rewards earned already over the next week, but this will be done manually. This decision was not made lightly and we understand this is not an ideal way to end the program but it is the only way to prevent further abuse of the system.

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