- The Overnights have spanned two name and two brands, now it gets a big absorbency boost and a fresh new packaging look.
- Kept the same cut, style, and fit that you have loved despite being thicker, it is like magic.
- Plus we have about 10 other major enhancements and a number of additional ones which we will showcase during the relaunch.
New Overnights Update
New Overnights Update

Aug 04, 2017
We have updates and announcements this month and next month, and maybe the one after that? We can only say so much at once. First thing is first. Tykables has been extremely hard at work on our relaunch of the Overnights diaper. We have a new manufacturer, being produced on a brand new freshly installed machine, custom Tykables parts. We have been working to go the whole nine yards for this diaper and setting up to begin producing more. We won't be held back from manufacturing anymore. Everyone who has seen the new line and all its enhancements have loved everything we have done. There are a few things we will say that we have done: