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We are happy that in a spontaneous notice and message on Twitter many Baby Furs at Midwest Fur Fest invited us to party with them. We attended Fur Fest, in particular 3 different parties over the weekend. We met with many new people and had lots of fun at each place we went. We are happy that everyone liked our pre release version of the Waddler. We know that the production run, being shipping out in the coming days, will be even more spectacular.

We have every mention of collaborating and engaging the BabyFur community as much as we do with anyone else. FurCons are always a lot of fun to attend just like any other event we have been to. It is great to be able to interact with anyone who is comfortable expressing who they are in however they are most comfortable. We hope that all of the Baby Furs we met and who met us for the first time invite and welcome us back to the Midwest Fur Fest and other events around the nation year after year.
Posted by Snuggies Diapers
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