A note form Snuggies Diapers, Folsom and everything else.

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We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who came to our booth at Folsom Street Fair. We would also like to thank the people who make such events possible from Folsom Events for having us. Special thanks to to all the volunteers and everyone who hung around the booth. We had an amazing time and lots of fun with everyone who was there. We are happy that the playpen sparked conversation both inside and out. We all got to meet both new faces and familiar friends. We wish we had more time to have taken some photos to post but we really where just so busy with people playing, talking to people interested at Folsom and various other things. Next year we will have someone dedicated to photo taking so we can share even more amazing photos from Folsom.

For everyone who bought our pre release Waddlers at Folsom we hope you enjoy them and leave comments and reviews for others. I know many people really seemed to enjoy them and we think they will be even better with the larger tapes and 20-25% more fill for the release in November. We are pleased the printed bags have been such a hit and that so many people like them. We thank you for all your feedback on not only the product but the little things such as our packaging and presentation. We feel that the little details, no pun intended, are just as important to our brand and its presentation and will, with your support and feedback, establish our brand as as the #1 brand for ABDL products.

I know we say it often and quite frequent but we can’t seem to say it enough. Thank you all for your support in making this a reality. Without your support this could not have happened. We hope to do many new products and services for the ABDL community as well as fun and amazing events and promotions like we have done at Folsom 2014; each better than the last. If you didn't make it to Folsom this year and you thought you missed out, you're going to really hate it if you do not make it out for next years Snuggies Diaper booth. Yea we are already planning it.

Again we know we just said it but,

Thank you for your continued support.

  • John-Michael Williams and the entire Snuggies Diapers team.


Posted by Snuggies Diapers

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